Home » Greens Zoological Rescue and Rehabilitation Kingdom: Reliance Industries’ Ambitious Venture into Wildlife Conservation

Greens Zoological Rescue and Rehabilitation Kingdom: Reliance Industries’ Ambitious Venture into Wildlife Conservation

by In-house Editor


In a groundbreaking move, Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), the conglomerate synonymous with India’s industrial prowess, is venturing into the realm of wildlife conservation with the establishment of what is poised to be the world’s largest zoo. Anchored in Gujarat, the home state of the Ambani family, this ambitious project spearheaded by Anant Ambani, the youngest scion of the RIL Chairman Mukesh Ambani, is set to redefine the intersection of corporate giants and environmental stewardship.

The Visionary Project:

RIL’s zoo, christened ‘Greens Zoological Rescue and Rehabilitation Kingdom,’ is not merely a menagerie but a testament to the conglomerate’s commitment to biodiversity. Spanning approximately 280 acres near the Moti Khavdi refinery project in Jamnagar, the zoo is poised to house nearly 100 species of animals, birds, and reptiles, both indigenous to India and sourced from across the globe.

Unique Sections and Features:

The zoo’s blueprint reveals a meticulously planned haven for wildlife enthusiasts. With sections such as ‘Forest of India,’ ‘Frog House,’ ‘Insect Life,’ ‘Dragon’s Land,’ ‘Exotic Island,’ ‘Wild Trail of Gujarat,’ and ‘Aquatic Kingdom,’ the project promises a holistic and immersive experience. Noteworthy species expected to be part of this grand initiative include the African lion, cheetah, jaguar, Indian wolf, Asiatic lion, pygmy hippo, orangutan, lemur, fishing cat, sloth bear, Bengal tiger, Malayan tapir, gorilla, zebra, giraffe, African elephant, and Komodo dragon.

Key Initiator and Timeline:

Anant Ambani, the driving force behind this visionary endeavor, envisions not only a recreational space but a platform for wildlife rescue and rehabilitation. The zoo, initially scheduled to open its gates to the public in 2023, faced delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, with all requisite approvals secured from central and state government authorities, the project is poised to set a new standard for private participation in wildlife conservation.

A Conservation Oasis:

Acknowledging RIL’s keen interest and passion for wildlife conservation, environmental authorities anticipate the zoo to be a benchmark for private initiatives in this domain. Soumitra Dasgupta, Additional Director-General of Forests (Wildlife), Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, commends RIL’s commitment, noting the significance of private zoos in the broader context of wildlife preservation. While the concept of private zoos is not new in India, RIL’s project stands out for its scale and comprehensive approach.

Beyond the Zoo:

Beyond the grandeur of the zoo, RIL has already established a rescue center in Jamnagar, a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative designed to aid the state forest department in sheltering big cats, such as leopards, injured or in conflict with humans. This center, separate from the main zoo project, reflects RIL’s dedication to providing state-of-the-art medical facilities for the resident animals.


As Reliance Industries forays into the world of wildlife conservation, ‘Greens Zoological Rescue and Rehabilitation Kingdom’ emerges as a testament to the evolving role of corporate entities in environmental preservation. Beyond its monumental scale, the project symbolizes a paradigm shift, where industrial giants contribute to the sustenance and protection of Earth’s diverse and endangered species. The grand opening of the zoo is not just an event; it marks a significant stride towards a harmonious coexistence between industry and nature.

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