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The Great Migration: Nature’s Spectacular Travelling Roadshow

by In-house Editor

There is a saying that during the great migration, the grass is indeed greener on the other side. This annual marvel witnesses over two million wildebeest, zebras, and other herbivores embarking on a journey from the southern Serengeti to the lush green grasses of the Masai Mara. Recognized as one of the seven wonders of the world, the great migration is an iconic safari experience, a spectacle that captivates the hearts of nature enthusiasts and wildlife lovers.

The Great Migration in a Nutshell

Picture this: 1.5 million wildebeest, 400,000 zebras, 12,000 eland, and 300,000 Grant’s and Thomson’s gazelles embarking on an epic journey from the southern Serengeti to the Masai Mara. The term ‘great’ in the ‘Great Migration’ feels like an understatement for this colossal movement. This monumental migration, a constant year-long phenomenon, hinges on environmental factors, weather patterns, and the instincts of these incredible animals. In essence, the largest mammal trek globally follows the rhythm of the rains. Covering 800 kilometers in a clockwise circle through the Serengeti and Masai Mara ecosystems, the herds seek greener pastures and mineral-rich watering holes. Although the majority of the cycle is spent in the Serengeti, several months are dedicated to traversing the bountiful plains of the Masai Mara.

Highlights of the Great Migration

As the herds enter the Masai Mara, they encounter not only the lush plains but also the perils of deadly predators. Beyond the threat of big cats, the herds face the challenge of navigating the Mara River, home to over 3,000 crocodiles during their annual river crossing. Witnessing the herds leaping into the river waters is a breathtaking spectacle. Once they overcome this aquatic hurdle, the herds revel in the abundant offerings of the expansive Masai Mara plains. However, this period of plenty is transient, and as the food supply diminishes, the herds resume their journey.

Showtime: When to Expect the Herds

In general, the prime time to witness the Great Migration in the Masai Mara is from July to October. While nature provides a probable outline of when these special moments occur, predicting the exact timing of river crossings remains elusive. Weather unpredictability, including late or early rains, can influence the migration pattern. The Masai Mara, teeming with wildlife year-round, offers an exceptional safari experience. The popular migration months of July to October, while providing front-row seats to this natural spectacle, also attract a surge in safari travelers. For a more serene experience, opting for one of the Masai Mara conservancies is recommended.

Monthly Insights: What to Expect During the Great Migration

July: The herds depart the arid Serengeti plains, with late July witnessing dramatic Mara River crossings.

August: By August, most wildebeest and companions reach the Mara, greeted by eager big cat hunters.

September: The herds relish peace on the Mara plains, ideal for mesmerizing safari game drives.

October: As rains commence, the herds begin their return to the Serengeti, marking the perpetual cycle of the great migration.

The Great Migration is not merely a wildlife spectacle; it’s a testament to the rhythm of nature, showcasing the resilience and instinctual brilliance of these migratory herds. Each annual migration unfolds like a timeless story, painting the African plains with the raw beauty of survival, struggle, and the unyielding cycle of life.

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