Home ยป Indian Government Declares Eco-Sensitive Zones in Kashmir’s Wildlife Sanctuaries

Indian Government Declares Eco-Sensitive Zones in Kashmir’s Wildlife Sanctuaries

by In-house Editor

The Indian government has designated three wildlife sanctuaries in the Kashmir Valley as “eco-sensitive zones,” urging the Union Territory administration to establish their boundaries. A notification from the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) instructs the Jammu and Kashmir government to form a monitoring committee for these zones. The committee will be led by the Divisional Commissioner, Kashmir, and include experts in ecology, environmental NGOs, biodiversity, and district deputy commissioners. The government aims to safeguard these sanctuaries from human interference and will define their boundaries. Commercial hotels and resorts won’t be allowed within one kilometer of the protected areas, except for small structures for eco-tourism. A Zonal Master Plan (ZMP) must be prepared in consultation with locals to ensure eco-friendly development without restricting existing land use and infrastructure.

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