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Aaranyachar: A Journey of Responsible, Experiential, and Sustainable Travel

by In-house Editor

In a world where travel is often reduced to a checklist of must-see attractions, Aaranyachar stands out as a company dedicated to providing travelers with a deeper, more meaningful experience. Born out of a desire to introduce people to the wonders of the Indian wilderness, Aaranyachar has evolved into a platform for immersive journeys that go beyond the ordinary. Their mission is clear: to introduce the world to a myriad of experiences beyond just spotting a wild tiger and to provide a holistic essence of the forest. Responsible, experiential, and sustainable are the three pillars on which Aaranyachar is built.

A Holistic Approach to Travel

At the heart of Aaranyachar’s philosophy is the belief that travel should be an opportunity for experiential learning, centered around the local communities living on the fringes of the Indian wilderness. It’s about understanding the intricate relationship between people and the wild while celebrating the raw beauty of the landscape. Aaranyachar’s itineraries are carefully crafted to maximize exposure to local cultures, allowing travelers to immerse themselves in the environment and truly become a part of the community.

A Commitment to Conservation

Aaranyachar is more than just a travel company; it’s a conservation partner dedicated to giving back to the forests and its people. They work closely with the Forest Department and organisations or NGO’s working on the ground with regard to alternate livelihoods through community-driven tourism practices and aid conservation efforts. Aaranyachar’s mission is not only to introduce travelers to the wonders of the wilderness, but also to sensitize future generations to the efforts made by locals in preserving India’s rich wildlife heritage.

Low Waste Travel

Aaranyachar’s commitment to the environment goes beyond providing extraordinary travel experiences. They are pioneers in promoting low waste travel, recognizing the industry’s environmental impact and inspiring their guests to collaborate in creating a sustainable conservation tribe.

Here are some of the practices they’ve adopted to reduce waste:

Reduce Pre- and Post-Trip Waste

Aaranyachar believes in minimizing waste from the moment travelers start planning their trip. They provide digital documents to guests, reducing the need for paper materials. Binoculars, spotting scopes, books, and other equipment are thoroughly sanitized and reused. Travelers are encouraged to bring their personal refillable water bottles and coffee mugs to reduce disposable plastic waste.

Minimize Food Waste at Restaurants

Sharing meals is a part of Aaranyachar’s team-building exercises, fostering camaraderie among travelers. Apart from eating together as a group, travelers are oriented with the concept of – The “Clean Plate” initiative which encourages guests to finish their food and avoid wastage to the extent possible. 

Look for Sustainability Partners

Aaranyachar collaborates with hospitality partners who are committed to using materials in their lodges that will ensure minimum harm to the planet. Conscious partners also help in passing down practices that can be integrated into Aaranyachar’s own operations.

Source Eco-Friendly / Community made and driven products

Aaranyachar believes it is important to give back to the landscape, and its people and to this effect, encourages guests to indulge in souvenirs and products that are locally made by the community members. This will not only help in orienting guests to the traditional skill sets and culture, but also strengthen livelihood opportunities in the said landscape.  

Create a Facilitator

Each guided trip by Aaranyachar includes an in-house conservation facilitator responsible for orientation of the guests with regard to the importance of the forest/ protected area in question, and the role of different stakeholders in protection of the landscape and its denizens.  This facilitator also ensures participation of guests in different conservation activities available on the ground and interaction with the diverse stakeholders. 


Aaranyachar is not just a travel company; it’s a philosophy, a way of life that encourages responsible, experiential, and sustainable travel. Through their commitment to conservation and sensitisation of people to the wilderness, the denizens and its people, they are creating a community of mindful travelers who understand the importance of forests, our tribal community members, conservation efforts on the ground while enjoying the wonders of the natural world.

 If you’re looking for a travel experience that’s truly immersive and aware, Aaranyachar is the perfect choice. Join them in their mission to inspire and influence a more responsible travel culture.

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