Home ยป Conservation Champions: Top 20 Wildlife Organizations and Foundations in Africa

Conservation Champions: Top 20 Wildlife Organizations and Foundations in Africa

by In-house Editor


Africa, with its unparalleled biodiversity and iconic species, stands at the forefront of global conservation efforts. Behind the scenes, numerous wildlife organizations and foundations are tirelessly working to protect the continent’s rich natural heritage. Here, we highlight the top 20 organizations that play a pivotal role in safeguarding Africa’s wildlife.

1. African Wildlife Foundation (AWF)

   Website: https://www.awf.org/

   Brief: AWF is committed to wildlife conservation and sustainable development across the continent. Their focus includes habitat protection, community engagement, and anti-poaching initiatives.

2. World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Africa

   Website: https://www.worldwildlife.org/

   Brief: WWF operates globally, and its African arm concentrates on protecting endangered species, preserving ecosystems, and promoting sustainable practices.

3. Elephant Crisis Fund

   Website: https://elephantcrisisfund.org/

   Brief: Dedicated to ending the elephant poaching crisis, this fund supports projects across Africa aimed at stopping the illegal ivory trade.

4. Rhino Conservation Botswana

   Website: https://rhinoconservationbotswana.com/

   Brief: This organization focuses on the conservation and protection of rhinos in Botswana through anti-poaching efforts and community engagement.

5. African Parks

   Website: https://www.africanparks.org/

   Brief: African Parks manages protected areas in partnership with governments and local communities, employing a business approach to conservation.

6. The Jane Goodall Institute

   Website: https://www.janegoodall.org/

   Brief: Founded by renowned primatologist Jane Goodall, this institute is committed to chimpanzee conservation and environmental education.

7. Cheetah Conservation Fund

   Website: https://cheetah.org/

   Brief: Dedicated to the preservation of cheetahs, this organization works on research, conservation, and community engagement to secure the cheetah’s future.

8. The Peregrine Fund Africa

   Website: https://peregrinefund.org/

   Brief: Focused on raptor conservation, this organization works to protect birds of prey and their habitats across Africa.

9. Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Africa Program

   Website: https://programs.wcs.org/

   Brief: WCS operates in multiple African countries, working on conserving wildlife and wild places through research, education, and community engagement.

10. Lewa Wildlife Conservancy

    Website: https://www.lewa.org/

    Brief: Located in Kenya, Lewa is a leading model for community-based conservation, known for its successful rhino and Grevy’s zebra conservation programs.

11. Painted Dog Conservation

    Website: https://painteddog.org/

    Brief: Focused on the endangered African painted dog, this organization works on conservation, research, and community involvement.

12. BioCarbon Partners

    Website: https://www.biocarbonpartners.com/

    Brief: BioCarbon Partners combines conservation with climate action, working on projects that protect biodiversity and sequester carbon.

13. African Parks Network

    Website: https://www.africanparks.org/

    Brief: Collaborating with governments and local communities, African Parks manages national parks and protected areas to ensure long-term sustainability.

14. Gorilla Doctors

    Website: https://www.gorilladoctors.org/

    Brief: Gorilla Doctors focuses on the health and well-being of mountain gorillas in the wild, providing veterinary care and monitoring.

15. Akagera Management Company

    Website: https://www.akagerapark.org/

    Brief: Managing Rwanda’s Akagera National Park, this organization works on wildlife conservation, tourism, and community development.

16. BirdLife South Africa

    Website: http://www.birdlife.org.za/

    Brief: Dedicated to the conservation of birds and their habitats, BirdLife South Africa is part of the global BirdLife International network.

17. Greenpeace Africa

    Website: https://www.greenpeace.org/africa/en/

    Brief: Greenpeace Africa addresses environmental issues, including wildlife conservation, through advocacy, research, and direct action.

18. African Conservation Foundation

    Website: https://www.africanconservation.org/

    Brief: ACF supports and coordinates conservation initiatives across Africa, focusing on biodiversity, protected areas, and community involvement.

19. Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT)

    Website: https://www.ewt.org.za/

    Brief: EWT works on the conservation of threatened species and ecosystems in southern Africa, emphasizing research and sustainable solutions.

20. African Parks Foundation

    Website: https://www.africanparksfoundation.org/

    Brief: The foundation supports the mission of African Parks by mobilizing resources for park management, community development, and conservation.


These top 20 wildlife organizations and foundations in Africa play a critical role in preserving the continent’s natural wonders. Through their dedicated efforts in research, conservation, community engagement, and sustainable practices, they contribute to the long-term survival of Africa’s diverse and unique wildlife. Supporting these organizations is not only an investment in the future of Africa’s ecosystems but also a commitment to global biodiversity conservation.

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