Home ยป Guardians of Harmony: The Corbett Foundation’s Unyielding Commitment to Wildlife Conservation and Forest-dependent Community Development

Guardians of Harmony: The Corbett Foundation’s Unyielding Commitment to Wildlife Conservation and Forest-dependent Community Development

by In-house Editor


In the heartlands of India, where the wilderness intertwines with human habitation, there exists a dedicated force working relentlessly to ensure the coexistence of wildlife and communities. The Corbett Foundation (TCF) emerges as a beacon of hope, weaving together conservation, sustainable development, and community empowerment. With over 25 years of impactful interventions, TCF stands as a testament to the power of collective action in safeguarding India’s biodiversity.

Board of Trustees and Guiding Mission:

At the helm of TCF’s endeavors is a distinguished Board of Trustees, individuals with vast experience in the field. The foundation’s mission, rooted in a vision of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, drives its work across crucial wildlife habitats, including Corbett Tiger Reserve, Kanha and Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserves, Kaziranga Tiger Reserve, and the Greater Rann of Kutch, and the important wildlife corridors and other lesser-known wildlife-rich areas.

Holistic Conservation Approach:

TCF’s footprint spans across crucial tiger conservation landscapes in Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, and Uttarakhand. Not confining itself to lush landscapes alone, TCF extends its reach to the semi-arid ecosystems of Gujarat where the endangered Great Indian Bustard finds sanctuary. TCF adopts a ‘holistic approach’ to conservation, a multifaceted strategy that encompasses ecological research, biodiversity conservation, human-wildlife conflict mitigation, habitat restoration, sustainable livelihoods, watershed development, rural development, and one health initiatives.

Success Stories and Global Recognition:

In the tapestry of TCF’s journey, success stories abound. From the protection of critical tiger habitats to the conservation of the Great Indian Bustard, TCF’s impact reverberates across landscapes. The foundation’s unwavering dedication has garnered international recognition, with memberships in prestigious organizations like IUCN, SAVE, and partnerships with international bodies like the Born Free Foundation.

Corporate Collaboration and Sustainable Development Goals:

Recognizing that conservation and sustainable development require a collective effort, TCF collaborates with various sectors, including corporates, multinational companies, financial institutions, and public sector units. Through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives and partnerships with international bodies, TCF aligns its programs with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), fostering meaningful alliances for a shared vision of a harmonious future.

Awards and Accolades:

TCF’s achievements have not gone unnoticed. The foundation has been honored with accolades such as the WWF-PATA Tiger Conservation Award, TOFT-Sanctuary Wildlife Tourism Award, Kirloskar Vasundhara Mitra Award, Outlook India Responsible Tourism Awards, recognition at the World CSR Congress. These accolades underscore TCF’s commitment to transparency, excellence, and impactful conservation practices.

Empowering Communities and Livelihoods:

TCF recognizes the symbiotic relationship between wildlife conservation and community well-being. The foundation actively engages in empowering local communities through sustainable livelihood initiatives. By providing alternatives to forest-based livelihoods, TCF ensures that communities living in proximity to protected areas become partners in conservation rather than adversaries.

Veterinary Care and Rural Medical Outreach:

The Rural Medical Outreach Programme (RMOP) and veterinary care initiatives address the healthcare needs of remote villages, fostering trust and goodwill. TCF’s veterinary teams provide essential healthcare to domestic animals, promoting sustainable animal husbandry practices and reducing the risk of diseases transmitted between wildlife and livestock.

Environmental Education and Awareness:

TCF understands that the key to a sustainable future lies in environmental education. The foundation actively organizes workshops, campaigns, and educational activities to instill environmental consciousness among students and communities. Through interactive sessions, nature walks, and awareness programs, TCF sensitizes the youth and local communities to the importance of wildlife conservation.


In the intricate dance between humanity and nature, The Corbett Foundation emerges as a stalwart partner, ensuring that this delicate balance is not disrupted. Their holistic approach, community engagement, and commitment to sustainable development echo through the landscapes they protect. As guardians of harmony, TCF exemplifies the transformative power of collective action in building a future where wildlife and human beings coexist in peaceful cohabitation.

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